How many GMT-400 forum members does it take to change a lightbulb?

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T.B.I Guy
Mar 19, 2022
Reaction score
How many forum GMT-400 members does it take to change a light bulb?

(1) Changes the light bulb and posts that it has been replaced.
(12) Share their experiences in light bulb changing and methods of replacing bulbs.
(7) warn that changing the light bulb is dangerous.
(27) complain about the spelling and grammar of the first 20.
(53) argue with the wise guys saying that "spling doznt mattah".
(156) members PM the admins and mods that discussing changing light bulbs is off topic in this forum.
(41) correct the grammar in the posts of the 80 that argue.
(109) request the thread to be moved to the "light bulb forum".
(203) request that the spelling/grammar argument should be moved to the "grammar lounge" and the "spelling test forum".
(111) say that not all people use light bulbs and that discussing changing them in a public forum may offend some.
(306) argue about the best place to buy bulbs, the best way to change them, and which brand of bulbs are best.
(27) link to sites where you can see various bulbs.
(14) say that links don't work and that "here's the right link".
(3) say that these sites are inaccessible through their firewall or that those who visit them will get fired.
(33) sort the previous posts and compile one big text and add their own opinion at the end.
(12) claim that they are leaving the forum forever because they can't stand the thread.
(4) suggest to start a FAQ on light bulbs and their changing.
(25) request a new forum called "light bulb forum".
(47) claim that physics.cold.fusion was meant just for this.
(56) argue about turbocharged vs NA bulbs.
(50) argue about tbi vs vortec bulbs.
(400) post complete and utter nonsense.
(85) complain that the 15k sized picture of the light bulb is too large for their modems.

And then, the guy that posts to complain because the original poster didn't do a search for "light bulbs" before posting his experience!

Thought this would be funny. My other forums didn't take too kindly.


I'm Awesome
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
A similar post I saw years back dealt with the typical:
'Hi Guys - some advice please. I'm looking for something to carry me, my wife, three kids and two dogs, do occasional towing, occasional long trips, be frugal on fuel and have a good tank range. What do you recommend?' type of thread. That brief is theoretical - it could be anything. But someone will inevitably airily dismiss a few items in the brief (eg, 'well, you don't really need all those seats all of the time but you will need the 20'' wheel option and carbon brakes') and insist that the only vehicle suitable is a Porsche Boxster - just like theirs.

Not that I would ever hi-jack a thread...


Bitchin' Stitchin'
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Abbotsford B.C., Canada.
Gotta have 'em if you want to run LEDs. It's the only way they'll work. Don't forget.
Except for the two guys here that have some kinda magical mystery unicorn of a wiring harness that allowed them to swap every bulb in the vehicle to LED without a single resistor.
There may be a few more, here. They just don't know it yet.
A wiring harness developed by some GM tech in Canada, working on the line by day & then tinkering at night in his basement, building a few of his 'wonder-harnesses'. One by one by hand.
Bought wire on bulk rolls.
A harness that would enable the use of a little known technology at the time. One that would allow the fifth, sixth, 12th owner, 20 years into the future, the ability to take advantage of such tech.
That wonder of wonders. The Light Emitting Diode. 'The Future' of lighting.
The idea that got laughed at by the suits with the corner offices on the 27th floor.
The same one that had the bean-counters shaking their heads.
In unison.
They wouldn't listen to him
He refused to listen to them.
They couldn't crush him. Nope. He wouldn't let them.
He'd show 'em all. Give 'em a little push.
* Insert 'Joker' laugh here. (Heath Ledger version.)
Villainous hand-rubbing. (Mr. Burns) *
He had a vision. A task. He would not be stopped.
He couldn't stop himself.
Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!
Onward into the night, burning the midnight oil.
Took him years. He missed out on birthdays. Anniversaries. Reunions.
Grew a beard. A big one.
Collecting connectors from the bins at work. Just a few at a time. (In the lunchbox. Shhh. Later...smaller bits in the beard.)
Once each harness was completed, he'd sneak 'em into work, (The lunchbox!) & drop them into the odd truck on the line during his shift. Just as if they an ordinary average GM-bean-counter-approved warranty-covered OEM version.
Nobody was the wiser.
But he knew. Yea. HE knew.
In his mind, every install raised that Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award that much higher towards The Suits, the bean-counters, the wife & kids that had left him & all the rest that had laughed in his face.
He'd celebrate each install with maybe one too many shots of his favorite Tequila. The only times he'd drink. At his bench. In the basement.
By himself.
Had to plan his installs. Certain times of certain days. Certain shifts. Had to keep an eye out for prying eyes. The self-appointed hallway moniters. The rats couldn't be suspicious.
Sometimes it was weeks between a single shot of that blue Agave nectar.
Dust on the bottle.
...and he only had so much time before the GMT400 run was over.
He'd started slow, but towards the end he had to do his deed more frequently. Take some chances.
(Sound byte...'Mission Impossible' theme.)
...and then...He'd done it. It was over.
His mission was completed. His purpose fulfilled.
He retired. May 1998.
Moved to Arizona under an assumed name.
Bought a cowboy hat, a Palomino pony & some land. Just about a hundred acres or so. Off the grid. Self-sustaining. Lots of room for his stash of GMT400's.
In his opinion, the last of the best of GM.
Got a dog.
Met a nice local younger lady of a socially acceptable age difference that made great sandwiches.
Tacos on Tuesday. Roast beef Sundays.
Bought a blender. Drank Margaritas everyday.
But only after 5. Her rule. A small sacrifice.
Raised exotic chickens. Made his own beer.
Sat on his deck at night in his old Boston Rocker, smiling, staring at the stars. They reminded him of LEDs. Thousands of them.
Never once suffered an attack of conscience.
For the first time in years, decades even, he found that he could finally sleep through the night.
Content with his unheralded rebellion.
Visions in his dreams of every vehicle the world-over, encrusted with surface mounted light emitting diodes, emitting their wonderous power-saving luminessent glow throughout the night from every possible portal & panel, illuminating the wandering ways of the midnight ramblers, at only 1.5 volts each.
He built 396. A number that he'd always had an affinity for.
Installed 394. 3-4 a month for almost 10 years.
Kept the prototype + one. Just in case.
Misplaced it during the move, though. It may of been sent to the Sally Ann in a random box of 'stuff'.
So that means...
There's one. more. out there. S-o-m-e-w-h-e-r-e.

The man was a genius. A Futurist. Determined. Sneaky.
I'd like to shake his hand.
But for all the rest of you guys...
(Except for the few that at this time have the futuristic conceptual harness & aren't yet aware.)
It's LEDs=Resistors. Ya gotta. No doubt about it. No way around it.
Just make sure you wire them in the right way.
Nothing sadder than seeing a nice ride burning down on the side of the road just because of a stupid wiring job.

True story.
Better believe it because, y'know...'internet'.
No B.S. allowed.
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