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    • Pinger
      Do you have a failed vehicle harness, or a failed sensor (including the short sensor harness)? Fixing the vehicle harness could be...
    • Pinger
      I had broken or shorted signal wires on both upstream sensors and just pieced in new sections of wire (with sensors in situ). If you can...
    • Pinger
      Pinger replied to the thread 1997 gmt 400 with 5.7l vortex.
      I'd have to check to be absolutely certain but I'm pretty sure the part in question is where the EVAP canister (front driver's side in...
    • Pinger
      Pinger reacted to thinger2's post in the thread Nothing with Like Like.
      Yep. Many times people who are innocent kill themselves from the guilt they feel. Even when they did nothing wrong. Murderers and...
    • Pinger
      Pinger reacted to mpyusko's post in the thread Redneck DoD with Like Like.
      OK. Based on the recommendations from this group, I did not make any mods. I did a full tune-up (cap, rotor, plugs wires), I cleaned...
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