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    • J
      juror replied to the thread '96 K1500 5.7 Lost Reverse.
      Update: I picked up a bottle of Lucas Automatic Transmission Hail Mary from the parts store this morning, and stupidly left it in the...
    • J
      juror replied to the thread '96 K1500 5.7 Lost Reverse.
      Make sense, thank you. Returning to the matter of a salvage transmission: do I need to worry about the seals in the reverse apply...
    • J
      juror replied to the thread '96 K1500 5.7 Lost Reverse.
      Thanks for clarifying; my understanding of how an automatic transmission works is pretty much "planetary gears and witchcraft". The...
    • J
      Our plow truck is presently parked with the plow in a snow pile and no ability to back up. For more information on the truck: here's...
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