96 centurion 2500 turbo diesel 4x4 standerd bed

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I'm Awesome
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Weatherford, TEXAS
Sucks you're having so many issues with your truck! That cold is hard on things... I've never lived in anything quite that cold, but I still remember having to deal with temps in the low negatives in Kentucky from time to time. I don't miss that.

I had no idea RI was that bad on everything else.

I have to admit, I spent the better part of a year working in New York, Vermont & New Hampshire. I've traveled all over the world, lived all over the country and I've never seen such rude, condescending people with ZERO manners or common courtesy in my entire life. It was a real shame because it is beautiful country around there. Aside from the winter apocalypse every year and vehicles rusting before they were a year old, it was really nice there.
Texas doesn't have state income Tax. Last year I had to pay in a little, but this year I got about $600 back. They even have a "tax free weekend" once a year with no sales tax.
im in connecticut, i was just saying how bad RI is too. hahaha
yes, it is some beautiful country up here, no one has seen autumn and leaves change untill they have seen a new england autumn! it is breath taking. thats everyones favorite season here. winters are brutal,freezing and buried in snow, spring is muddy and lasts like 3 weeks, we go from sub zero, few weeks of beautiful weather, right to nasty hot....not really hot, humid....all summer. i was in dallas and it was 104, dry and beautiful, got on plane, landed in ct and it was 74 but so humid from the walk off the plane, up the ramp into the airport i was sweating my butt off. summers are dripping sweat gross. like i had my harley and wont ride on a beautiful summer day because its just too humid, clothes just stick to you. then we get fall....crisp air, trees change color, everything kinda goes back to rustic colonial days, fresh apple cider and maple syrup, fairs, etc.

but yes.....the people are nasty! my number one reason for moving is im going to turn 33 in april and i cant find a woman to save my life. they are super uppity....lot of super rich people here raising snobs. none have manners, everyone has a "you only live once" mentality, thats fine but that means they do what they want, when they want, dont care whos in the way, who they step on, you they hurt, never think of consequences of their actions.

you will never get a door held for you ever...unless leaving a pizza house with hands full, and 99% chance you will not get a thank you for doing that for someone, or doing anything nice for any stranger. when i was in texas everyone said please and thank you and were kind and talkative.
here everyone keeps to them-self.

i snowblowed the old lady next doors house after a blizzard when we lost power for 3 weeks,and checked on if she was okay.....she yelled at me and said im not paying you! i told her i was concerned about her and did not want money then she said "if you are not going to do it every single storm, then dont help me".....hahahahaha yup....shes from connecticut!


A Girl & Her Truck
Jun 18, 2014
Reaction score
thanks, ill get the truck straightened out, it is a drag when it brakes!

wow....screw them taxes! CT and pretty much all of new england love European government....the democrats here are all about that. heck, we have a guy running for president that is a self proclaimed socialist!....and hes doing great!

as for the refugees here, my governor, the one coming up with the crazy gun laws and always following around obama, has made a few citys here sanctuary citys for illegals.meaning if you dont belong here, we give you free housing, food, healthcare etc.....then he took in some crazynumber of Syrian refugees!

took away my (a natural born citizen) second amendment rights, saying i cant be trusted even with a permit, local, state and federal background check, mental health check and finger prints on record with the local and state police and the fbi!!!.....but let refugees with almost zero background check from a country at war with us in to my state and took my tax dollars to pay for stuff for them!

have you ever been to America? i cant say ive been out of the country but over the border to mexico a few times, never even been to canada right next door (go figure,eh.haha) but i will say Americas a pretty awesome place!
you should come check it out sometime! come on over, we'll get you free housing and food and healthcare too! hahaha, you can see tons of super sexy old american cars, shoot some guns, see a rodeo, eat deep fried butter...hahaha thats a real thing (we get crazy with deep friers around fair season, if it fits-it fries...hahaha)

I guess as long as it's fixable it's not the end of the world, just really annoying. :)

Yeah so basically like here then! Right now our country is run by social democrats (****** assholes)... which is why we ended up with all the refugees. And us that have money have to support the once that don't, it ****** me off cos you can litterally choose not to work and get welfare, but I can't cos I own a home and 3 cars... I would have to sell all of it but then I would have too much money so they wouldn't give me welfare anyways...
Since Sweden is a democracy it's all democrats but we still have the left and right wings, social democrats being left wing. I'm way more to the right wing, I believe if you want something you have to and should work for it, if you don't work for it you can live in you ****** home, drive your ****** car and so on... that is fair IMHO!

I do believe in guncontrol, like you wrote with all the permits, bg check, mental check and all (for me this is strange cos our laws are so different, average joe don't have guns here). Obviously it's needed, there is no country in the world where it's so easy to get guns as in America and there is no country in the world where there is more public shootings (schools, malls etc.) or other types of shootings (drive-bys, domestic etc). It's too easy for the wrong people to get their hands on guns.

In the European Union (EU) we can go from country to country without a passport (you need a vaild passport or national ID-card to fly tho), which have worked fine until all the refugees came here. If they make it into the EU they can move around as they please too, and we have no idea who they are or what their purpose is! That's how the people behind the terror attack in Paris got there! The only time they even do bg checks here is when they have already commited a crime. Sweden is also a very equal-rights country (man, woman, straight, gay, color, religin etc. still has the same rights) but all thoes refugees comes from muslim countrys and they're not and they don't respect how things work here.
Our government also give all the refugees welfare, free housing and food, free healthcare, free everything, which in the end means us taxepayers have to pay for it. We that are citizens and pay taxes already have free healthcare and heavily reduced prices on medicine (about 80-95% is covered by the government) but we "pay" for it thru our taxes (we all pay alot of taxes so in that sence it's pretty fair). Instead of having to pay $100.000 for a surgery and put you in debt and a financil hellhole for life, we pay $30-50 and life is easier for eveyone.

I have never been to America, but I would love to go sometime.. a dream is to go from coast to coast, to see it all. You do know that people that choose to move to America aren't considered refugees tho? I wouldn't get free anything. :)
Hahaha I know you Americans love too deep frie pretty much everything but how the hell do you deep frie butter?!
I don't have to go to America to shoot guns tho. I've been to a gun range actually, it was really fun! I live right next to a huge military base and a gun range so I wake up to automatic gun fire on a regular basis, we even have road signs warning for tanks crossing the streets! :)


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Magnolia, TX (KY Transplant!)
im in connecticut, i was just saying how bad RI is too. hahaha
yes, it is some beautiful country up here, no one has seen autumn and leaves change untill they have seen a new england autumn! it is breath taking. thats everyones favorite season here. winters are brutal,freezing and buried in snow, spring is muddy and lasts like 3 weeks, we go from sub zero, few weeks of beautiful weather, right to nasty hot....not really hot, humid....all summer. i was in dallas and it was 104, dry and beautiful, got on plane, landed in ct and it was 74 but so humid from the walk off the plane, up the ramp into the airport i was sweating my butt off. summers are dripping sweat gross. like i had my harley and wont ride on a beautiful summer day because its just too humid, clothes just stick to you. then we get fall....crisp air, trees change color, everything kinda goes back to rustic colonial days, fresh apple cider and maple syrup, fairs, etc.

but yes.....the people are nasty! my number one reason for moving is im going to turn 33 in april and i cant find a woman to save my life. they are super uppity....lot of super rich people here raising snobs. none have manners, everyone has a "you only live once" mentality, thats fine but that means they do what they want, when they want, dont care whos in the way, who they step on, you they hurt, never think of consequences of their actions.

you will never get a door held for you ever...unless leaving a pizza house with hands full, and 99% chance you will not get a thank you for doing that for someone, or doing anything nice for any stranger. when i was in texas everyone said please and thank you and were kind and talkative.
here everyone keeps to them-self.

i snowblowed the old lady next doors house after a blizzard when we lost power for 3 weeks,and checked on if she was okay.....she yelled at me and said im not paying you! i told her i was concerned about her and did not want money then she said "if you are not going to do it every single storm, then dont help me".....hahahahaha yup....shes from connecticut!

The humidity is one thing that I don't care for here... Not only does it easily stay around 100+ here in Houston, but it's so humid that the windows on my house fog up so bad you can't see out of them. Water actually runs off of the vents in my truck whenever my A/C is on. lol

I was up in Vermont on one of my first visits when I started working up there... I remember holding the door open for two women to walk in before me. They stopped, looked at me like I was going to murder them. Nobody says excuse me, thank you, nothing like that. I've never seen anything like it.

Wow, I'd have turned the snow blower around and covered that *****'s house. lol


I'm Awesome
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Weatherford, TEXAS
The humidity is one thing that I don't care for here... Not only does it easily stay around 100+ here in Houston, but it's so humid that the windows on my house fog up so bad you can't see out of them. Water actually runs off of the vents in my truck whenever my A/C is on. lol

I was up in Vermont on one of my first visits when I started working up there... I remember holding the door open for two women to walk in before me. They stopped, looked at me like I was going to murder them. Nobody says excuse me, thank you, nothing like that. I've never seen anything like it.

Wow, I'd have turned the snow blower around and covered that *****'s house. lol

yeah ive been to houston, it was the end of april and i left my motel room, walked like 3 rooms down and was drenched in sweat! it was nasty. dfw was not like that when i was there, i asked around, people said it gets alittle more humid than it was but not much.

yup, they rude people sound in VT about right, and people are nicer than around here! hahaha
same goes for driving, everyone is rude, will run you right off the road. ive been run clean off the road on a motorcycle by a tractor trailer before....i chased him to his hub and got grabbed by the security there before i got to knock his head off....i ended up filing a complaint with the boss there and splitting before the cops showed up.
in traffic here you pull up to a light and look ahead, if you look at someone it means they want to race or fight you 99% of the time. hahaha. in houston i stopped and a guy pulled up next to me and said howdy, i was like wtf! ah it was an old man, very next light someone pulled next to me, looked over and said nice day today....i was dumbfounded, i agreed and saw i was the jerk, hahaha.

yeah i was not happy about the old lady next door, i have not helped her since....feel bad but what the heck...


I'm Awesome
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Weatherford, TEXAS
I guess as long as it's fixable it's not the end of the world, just really annoying. :)

Yeah so basically like here then! Right now our country is run by social democrats (****** assholes)... which is why we ended up with all the refugees. And us that have money have to support the once that don't, it ****** me off cos you can litterally choose not to work and get welfare, but I can't cos I own a home and 3 cars... I would have to sell all of it but then I would have too much money so they wouldn't give me welfare anyways...
Since Sweden is a democracy it's all democrats but we still have the left and right wings, social democrats being left wing. I'm way more to the right wing, I believe if you want something you have to and should work for it, if you don't work for it you can live in you ****** home, drive your ****** car and so on... that is fair IMHO!

I do believe in guncontrol, like you wrote with all the permits, bg check, mental check and all (for me this is strange cos our laws are so different, average joe don't have guns here). Obviously it's needed, there is no country in the world where it's so easy to get guns as in America and there is no country in the world where there is more public shootings (schools, malls etc.) or other types of shootings (drive-bys, domestic etc). It's too easy for the wrong people to get their hands on guns.

In the European Union (EU) we can go from country to country without a passport (you need a vaild passport or national ID-card to fly tho), which have worked fine until all the refugees came here. If they make it into the EU they can move around as they please too, and we have no idea who they are or what their purpose is! That's how the people behind the terror attack in Paris got there! The only time they even do bg checks here is when they have already commited a crime. Sweden is also a very equal-rights country (man, woman, straight, gay, color, religin etc. still has the same rights) but all thoes refugees comes from muslim countrys and they're not and they don't respect how things work here.
Our government also give all the refugees welfare, free housing and food, free healthcare, free everything, which in the end means us taxepayers have to pay for it. We that are citizens and pay taxes already have free healthcare and heavily reduced prices on medicine (about 80-95% is covered by the government) but we "pay" for it thru our taxes (we all pay alot of taxes so in that sence it's pretty fair). Instead of having to pay $100.000 for a surgery and put you in debt and a financil hellhole for life, we pay $30-50 and life is easier for eveyone.

I have never been to America, but I would love to go sometime.. a dream is to go from coast to coast, to see it all. You do know that people that choose to move to America aren't considered refugees tho? I wouldn't get free anything. :)
Hahaha I know you Americans love too deep frie pretty much everything but how the hell do you deep frie butter?!
I don't have to go to America to shoot guns tho. I've been to a gun range actually, it was really fun! I live right next to a huge military base and a gun range so I wake up to automatic gun fire on a regular basis, we even have road signs warning for tanks crossing the streets! :)

social democrats (****** assholes)...hahaha you are awesome! we need more chicks like you over here! most of the women, at least up in my area, are the ones supporting and voting the ****** assholes into office. we have the same problems of people not working and getting free stuff to live off of when its set up as a hand up, not a hand out.

i know you wouldnt be a refugee!haha just saying they hand stuff out here. tell them you are from a country that hates us and you will be set for life. hahaha

thats awesome that you got to shoot! you loved it right?! i have taken people scared of guns shooting, first shot they are scared, pop it off and look like thats not so bad, second shot they are hooked for life!
for me gun control is keeping a steady hand! haha. but really, some smart measures im okay with, but they are going overboard here. like my state banned the ar-15. they ban stuff that looks scary, and call gun parts like a pistol grip, detachable mag, muzzle break etc "evil features". the ar-15 is a semi auto, full auto is banned or tightly regulated by the federal government. hunting rifles have larger rounds, more range and no gun is more deadly than another, a .22 can kill as good or better than some of the banned stuff.
we dont carry for fear of our lives, i love guns, shoot target, i dont even hunt, they are just a good time. very very rarely will i carry and thats if i know im going to a bad city, or buying something from a stranger somewhere i dont know.

its kinda like the cats out of the bag....we have guns here so yes, bad people can get their hands on them, so we should carry to protect our self from the bad people, but look at mexico, they have a ban on guns and tons of murders happen there, once a few bad people get guns and no good people can have them its easy for the bad to take what they want....

we see it as "an armed society is a polite society", as in you never know who is carrying so be nice and do no harm or you might get whats coming to you if you do. it levels the playing field, try to rape some tiny girl that has a gun and see what happens, try to rob that old man with a .45 under his shirt. then there is the whole reason for the 2nd amendment (the law in our constitution letting us have guns),
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are historical as well as legal documents. They can only be understood from a perspective that embraces the historical context that surrounded them. This viewpoint emphasizes that these are practical documents written by men intent on the establishment of a successful system of government. The preamble to the Bill of Rights reinforces this understanding. It states:

"The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."

so pretty much if the the guns here are to keep the government in check if it abuses its powers, the people could have the power of the gun to fight back a tyrannical government.

as for the needing gun control,
The United States is 3rd in the number of murders throughout the world. But if you take out just 4 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans — the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE World, for Murders. These 4 Cities are controlled by Democrats. These cities also have the toughest gun control laws in all of the US.

so all the anti gun citys are where the gangs and killings happen for the most part, really not many shootings outside of them for the most part. go out in the country, try to rob someone....never happens because the robber never knows who has a gun and is willing to fight for their right to live........end rant. hahaha

you def gotta come check it out here! when i graduated high school i jumped in a 98 k1500 diesel and drove cross country from Connecticut, out to Colorado, down the mountains to Arizona, out to the beach in California, up through Nevada, saw Nebraska, Kansas.....it is such a beautiful country......then took my Harley and rode from ct to Texas and back 2 years ago. soooooo fun. dying to take my 67 Buick on a road trip out there.....ive seen all of new england on a motorcycle and in my 67.....its awesome just seen it too many times. i want to be the old guy that retires and gets an RV and just drives around the country! hahaha

oh and i have no clue how they deep fry butter, they have deep fried ice cream....figure that one out!!! they do strange stuff every fair season. deep fried candy bars, butter, oreos, hamburgers etc.....some of it is not too bad, most is nasty.
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I'm Awesome
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Weatherford, TEXAS
just wired up the heated mirrors and defroster wire to the rear junction box (for defroster i have not installed yet) mirrors get hot right away! truck is slowly coming along....but i did brake the plastic cover on the power ports under the cd player, at the junk yard i pulled right off so i thought there were clips....nope, plastic melted together.....gotta fix that now.
finally got around to pulling power port/ ash tray holder from dash....4 clips you pop out. very easy....wish i did this when putting cd player in, i justed the jb plastic weld and held great so going to keep it, if the epoxy fails ill get one from junk yard....but works for now and tugged on it and did not come off!.....like a new truck not seeing that laying on the floor with wires everywhere!


I'm Awesome
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Weatherford, TEXAS
half way warm out yesterday....washed truck...yup that is the buick behind it, took that out lastnight, man i missed driving it, so fun....looking up cams for it now.

another load of stuff getting out of the house....had court this morning, went good and house on the market today!
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my new decal for the cap window....
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A Girl & Her Truck
Jun 18, 2014
Reaction score
social democrats (****** assholes)...hahaha you are awesome! we need more chicks like you over here! most of the women, at least up in my area, are the ones supporting and voting the ****** assholes into office. we have the same problems of people not working and getting free stuff to live off of when its set up as a hand up, not a hand out.

i know you wouldnt be a refugee!haha just saying they hand stuff out here. tell them you are from a country that hates us and you will be set for life. hahaha

thats awesome that you got to shoot! you loved it right?! i have taken people scared of guns shooting, first shot they are scared, pop it off and look like thats not so bad, second shot they are hooked for life!
for me gun control is keeping a steady hand! haha. but really, some smart measures im okay with, but they are going overboard here. like my state banned the ar-15. they ban stuff that looks scary, and call gun parts like a pistol grip, detachable mag, muzzle break etc "evil features". the ar-15 is a semi auto, full auto is banned or tightly regulated by the federal government. hunting rifles have larger rounds, more range and no gun is more deadly than another, a .22 can kill as good or better than some of the banned stuff.
we dont carry for fear of our lives, i love guns, shoot target, i dont even hunt, they are just a good time. very very rarely will i carry and thats if i know im going to a bad city, or buying something from a stranger somewhere i dont know.

its kinda like the cats out of the bag....we have guns here so yes, bad people can get their hands on them, so we should carry to protect our self from the bad people, but look at mexico, they have a ban on guns and tons of murders happen there, once a few bad people get guns and no good people can have them its easy for the bad to take what they want....

we see it as "an armed society is a polite society", as in you never know who is carrying so be nice and do no harm or you might get whats coming to you if you do. it levels the playing field, try to rape some tiny girl that has a gun and see what happens, try to rob that old man with a .45 under his shirt. then there is the whole reason for the 2nd amendment (the law in our constitution letting us have guns),
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are historical as well as legal documents. They can only be understood from a perspective that embraces the historical context that surrounded them. This viewpoint emphasizes that these are practical documents written by men intent on the establishment of a successful system of government. The preamble to the Bill of Rights reinforces this understanding. It states:

"The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."

so pretty much if the the guns here are to keep the government in check if it abuses its powers, the people could have the power of the gun to fight back a tyrannical government.

as for the needing gun control,
The United States is 3rd in the number of murders throughout the world. But if you take out just 4 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans — the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE World, for Murders. These 4 Cities are controlled by Democrats. These cities also have the toughest gun control laws in all of the US.

so all the anti gun citys are where the gangs and killings happen for the most part, really not many shootings outside of them for the most part. go out in the country, try to rob someone....never happens because the robber never knows who has a gun and is willing to fight for their right to live........end rant. hahaha

you def gotta come check it out here! when i graduated high school i jumped in a 98 k1500 diesel and drove cross country from Connecticut, out to Colorado, down the mountains to Arizona, out to the beach in California, up through Nevada, saw Nebraska, Kansas.....it is such a beautiful country......then took my Harley and rode from ct to Texas and back 2 years ago. soooooo fun. dying to take my 67 Buick on a road trip out there.....ive seen all of new england on a motorcycle and in my 67.....its awesome just seen it too many times. i want to be the old guy that retires and gets an RV and just drives around the country! hahaha

oh and i have no clue how they deep fry butter, they have deep fried ice cream....figure that one out!!! they do strange stuff every fair season. deep fried candy bars, butter, oreos, hamburgers etc.....some of it is not too bad, most is nasty.

Sorry for late reply, been having page issues

Haha, well thanks! :)
Sweden has had a pretty good economy for a long time, before our last election we had an amazing financial minister. In the huge financial crisis that hit the EU a few years back Sweden was one of few that didn't get effected by it very much and that was in a huge way thanks to him. We like it that way, we don't want to be like the rest of the EU with insane unemployment numbers and homeless people. A few years back most of the homeless people here were junkies and people with mental health issues, today the majority is regular people like you and me but they were unfurtunate and lost their jobs and it's only getting worse since the only thing the ****** assholes are thinking about is the refugees, not our own people.

Yeah, that's ****** up! I think is really weird, if I wanna go to the US I have to get a visa and they do a backgrund check and I have a Swedish passport, thoes are highly regarded all over the world, but random people from a country known to hate on the US they can just cry refugee and they're welcomed with open arms.
I heard of a guy that did something stupid when he was about 18 (he stole a barchair) and 15 years later when he was going to the US he was denied a visa and was not let in because of it.

It was really fun, I would definitly do it again. But I don't have a need to have guns at home, it's also illigal to carry here unless you have a hunting license, but then you can only carry when you go hunting or to the range. To get a licens for a AR-15 here is VERY difficult, I know there was someone that wanted a licens for it to use in dynamic shooting competitons but was denied it by the police. After alot of back and forth with they were overturned and he got his licens. The police do not like competitive shooting.
We can't even legaly use guns for selfdefence, that will land you in jail for a long time. We have the stupidest laws about selfdefence, for example if I get attacked by someone twice my size and I still managed to beat the **** out of him, I will most likely be the one that goes to jail for assult...

I think is too late for US to start with gun control now, for us that has never had it the way you do it works perfectly fine. Shootings are very rare here so the rest of us don't need guns. But in the US there are already so many guns and unless everyone (both good and bad people) get rid of them it will never work and with your 2nd amendment that will never happend, you Americans love your guns. Sweden would probably be exactly the same if we had the 2nd amendment and so would any other country.
Mexico is so corrupt, I don't think there is anything anyone can do to fix Mexico.

Wow that sounds awesome! I haven't even driven around much here in Sweden and it only takes about 4 hours to drive across the widest part and from the most northen city to the most southern city a little under 21 hours.

Haha thats weird! It doesn't sound very tasty... pretty much the only things I like fried is chicken and french fries! I'm not big on fat n greasy food.