Search results

  1. K

    93' Yukon Rear Crossmember Replacement

    Got back to work on the 93 Yukon today, here's the salvaged crossmember in a new blasting cabinet I picked up this week from Harbor Freight. I actually put off the project a few days so I could get the cabinet online and try it out. Here's the crossmember after about 15 minutes of abrasive...
  2. K

    93' Yukon Rear Crossmember Replacement

    I am finally able to get to work replacing my rear fuel tank crossmember (see my intro thread). The big holdup was finding one, either all the ones in the northeast had rusted out or the yard only wanted to sell you a whole frame. My luck finally turned when a salvage yard from North Dakota...
  3. K

    Mainer w/93' Yukon (w/pics)

    Hi all, I'm new to this site and I have a 93' Yukon with 310K miles on it. Plowing the 450' Driveway Towing a 67' MGB from PA to Maine Hauling a crew of expedition kayackers through Baxter State Park and the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Unfortunately the old girl has been...