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  1. Nitrobuzzard

    TPS voltage question…

    ‘93 with 5.7 2wd Ok so I’m checking the unit with my multimeter. At idle it’s setting around 1.2V, little high but no biggie. Problem is when I slowly go WOT voltage is nonexistent after 2.0V at roughly 30% throttle on signal wire. It remains nonexistent until I close the throttle off to around...
  2. Nitrobuzzard

    Hello everyone!

    Been a member for a short time just never got around to intro’ing myself. Friends call me Buzzard. I’ve recently acquired a ‘93 Indy truck. Unfortunately I got it when my brother passed Nov. last year. He used it as a truck so it needs a bit of work lol As he would say, “See ya in the funny...