98 305 to 350 swap starter issues

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I'm Awesome
Sep 16, 2020
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When you unbolt the starter and let it hang on the batt' cable and start terminal do you have a ground cable attached?


I'm Awesome
Jul 6, 2019
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I'm in a business that people with no formal training, no degrees, not even a high school diploma - can get into, and with hard work, make 6 figures. I'm not talking "get rich" money, but if you're used to being broke, or "just getting by", that's damned good money by a long shot. However, it's hazard pay for sometimes-dangerous work.

We go through more wannabes than you could ever imagine. They come in for the meet and greet and I guarantee you none of us sugarcoat what this business is. Just reality. Not to scare them but to be sure they're aware before they commit. I haven't cranked the numbers as there's no sense in it but I can easily guess that while many of them seem gung-ho at that first meeting, less than 5% of them actually show up even for the first night of ride-along. Still less of them return after a night or two and continue riding along during the training process (which is paid.)

Most of the guys I work with are old hands at the business. New guys are rare. Like I said, plenty of wannabes, but they eliminate themselves very quickly. A no show/no call is the quickest way. Either they had too much time to re-think getting into this mess, or someone bent their ear and talked them out of it. Seems like nobody wants to work anymore, no matter the financial compensation carrot that is being dangled in front of them.

Edit - and by the way I don't know how we get so off-target in these threads but it doesn't bother me, I dig the discussions we get into, especially when you can see the thread itself is already a dead-end from the perspective of the original


I'm Awesome
Jul 6, 2019
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^^^ Fookin' marvelous. Again.

And the life-ring with the sandwich pretty much describes the entire Welfare system. Zero expectations, zero gratitude, zero responsibility, zero improvement. In fact, the War on Poverty is such a total and dismal failure that there's more parasites than ever. Every generation of deadbeats is larger than the previous generation.

The saddest part is that "most" poverty in this country is due to folks conceiving kids they know in advance they can't afford. Which makes "most" poverty in this country VOLUNTARY.

They just expect the Taxpayer to pick up the check for...everything important. That leaves loads of money for tattoos, snack foods, and illegal drugs. When the money runs out...have another kid so you're eligible for more Free Stuff. Our Welfare system prevents people from learning from their bad decisions.
I cant pass on that idea of becoming a master at your trade.
To me, when I was a no nothing pumpkin my goal was to learn my craft and my trade and become so ******* good at it that I became the master of my trade and passed that knowledge down the next guy.
The pumpkin that I was bringing behind me and my job is train my pumpkin and make him way the **** better than I am.
And to keep your pumpkin alive.
And to teach them not to settle for the life you lived .
Us old old fart machinest manual mill guys are ******* ourselves right the hell out of our own jobs because we dont understand that automation is replacing us.
If you are close to retirement.
******* ride it out.
If you are new to fabrication or manufacturing you need to have all the skills to make a life from this business
you need to be able to detail from a drawing and fire up the forklift and fab that ****** all on your own.
Its a rough bisiness but its an awesome and very satisfying business.
And you need to know all of it.
If somebody calls you on a Saturday night with a major structural problem.
If you still know how to get your hands dirty because you taught the class on how to do it because some rotten old fart tought you how to do it?
That is how it all works.
I on my own know just about ******* nothing.
Everything I know comes from somebody trying to keep me alive
So far , thats worked out pretty good


I'm Awesome
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score
^^^ Fookin' marvelous. Again.

And the life-ring with the sandwich pretty much describes the entire Welfare system. Zero expectations, zero gratitude, zero responsibility, zero improvement. In fact, the War on Poverty is such a total and dismal failure that there's more parasites than ever. Every generation of deadbeats is larger than the previous generation.

The saddest part is that "most" poverty in this country is due to folks conceiving kids they know in advance they can't afford. Which makes "most" poverty in this country VOLUNTARY.

They just expect the Taxpayer to pick up the check for...everything important. That leaves loads of money for tattoos, snack foods, and illegal drugs. When the money runs out...have another kid so you're eligible for more Free Stuff. Our Welfare system prevents people from learning from their bad decisions.
Poverty is generational.
If you are born piss poor, you are likely to grow up piss poor.
I suspect that when you were a kid you never had to shoplift food in order to feed your younger siblings while your Mom was working three jobs to keep the lights on because Dad decided to take a hike or because dad was in jail.
Have you ever lifted an entire pot roast while your sister created a distraction .
Have you ever lit a fire on the far side beach to distract the cops and fire department while you stole salmon out of a river gillnet to feed your family when ypu were 13 years old.
Have you ever shucked oysters or picked salal brush or gone to Alaska on a ******* death boat in order to feed your family.
I have.
But Im white.
We sold weed by the pound and fished off of cofee and *******
Imagine just for a ******* second how much harder that is if you are black and every male membor of your family is in jail for ******** drug charges.
Black women end up raising there kids in the projects because all of the black men are in jail.
That is the truth behind the black lives matter protests.
RIght wing ********* spout a whole lotta **** about "family values" and keeping the family intact.
As long as its a white family.
Why in the **** do you people not understand that minority people love each other and love their kids and feel the same fear and stress.
So I ask you how in the **** is a Mom with a couple of kids who never had a chance at getting an education, and is now in the poverty welfare system and cant get out of it without loosing her benifits and being homeless.
She and her kids are ******* stuck in that no way out situation.
Pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
What ******* self serving nonsense.
Yep, they should just tough it up and go to college.
Sure, its all just that easy.
It isnt. Pulling yourself out of life long truama and poverty is hard as ****.
Pulling yourself out of life long trauma and poverty with no ******* way out is damn near impossible.
The question is what fear do you have that makes you afraid that someone may have a way to escape?
Why are you afraid?
We all stood around and clapped while Ronnie Reagun wrecked the african amercan community and the gay community and let ******** nancy run the country.
And we let the idiots in.
Maggots have nested in our gaping open political wounds and they are festering and they will hatch.
I really dont see a good way out for us as a nation.
Joe Biden is way to old and the replicans are going to take him out anyway.
They have nobody else.
We cant survive another Trump presidency.
The United States, like it or not, is the stabilizing force in world politics.
We carry a big ******* stick.
If we let ourselves get split apart by ******* idiots who are only out to make us afraid of each other so they can gain more votes that big ******* stick the millions have died for becomes a little game for them to get more power.
Never forget that these ******** are playing little ******* mind games with you and they are doing it on the blood and the bodies of the people who are really defenders of democracy.
Its all billionaires playing blood and bones games with each other.
But its our blood and bones.