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      Scupper replied to the thread No brake pressure.
      Brakes are a headache. I have a 98 C3500, so it has hydroboost, but I would pull your master cylinder off the brake booster and turn...
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      Scupper reacted to Schurkey's post in the thread No brake pressure with Like Like.
      What model year, and what brake option code? JB5? JB6? Bench bleeding takes more time and effort than most folks realize. Either...
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      Scupper replied to the thread C3500HD vs Non HD hydrboost.
      Alright. A final write up to close this chapter. The remanufactured Cardone HD hydroboost I got had to have been defective out the...
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      Scupper replied to the thread C3500HD vs Non HD hydrboost.
      Update for you lads. The HD hydroboost's piston for the pushrod is about 1/4 inch less deep than non HD. This will cause your brakes...
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