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    • MrPink
      MrPink reacted to Wh4t3v3rs's post in the thread The build of "Wh4t3v3rs" with Like Like.
      Featherlite composites called me today informing me that my bumper is shipping Friday!!!
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      So I have a few updates for those that are actually following along. I replaced my cigarette lighter with one of those power ports(with...
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    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread My "new" 1996 Mercedes Benz C220.
      Not a bad looking car, what are your plans for it?
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      I haven't, but my last Jetta also had them, and they worked great in the snow.
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      From yesterdays drive home from work. I will bust out the real camera here soon and go and take good pictures lol.
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    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      New to me hood, and front bumper on. And it's all one color again.
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    • MrPink
      MrPink reacted to Wh4t3v3rs's post in the thread The build of "Wh4t3v3rs" with Like Like.
      I'm sorry everyone! Work has been complete chaos, and I've been working 7 days a week. I have 2 larger projects and daily box builds...
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread The build of "Wh4t3v3rs".
      James its been too long for an update...
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      It's what I had in the garage. The 1.8T is not a bad engine, mine is quiet and for the most part reliable now that all the normal...
    • MrPink
      MrPink replied to the thread Das ****** Schnitzel.
      I guess I should probably update this. While the engine ran correctly it still had the knock only at idle and the free wheeling gear...
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