Recent content by roost 'er

  1. roost 'er

    Best place to get fender flares cheap?>

    Got mine home going to be installing them next couple days look great for money test fit looks good! Highly recommend seller he shipped them super fast.
  2. roost 'er

    Best place to get fender flares cheap?>

    Placed my order today hoping there in by labour day. Thanks for help !!
  3. roost 'er

    Best place to get fender flares cheap?>

    THANKS! those are perfect as my truck is black ill order a set today. Greatly appreciated. EDIT: Just so i dont order wrong ones are these them...
  4. roost 'er

    The Stupid Interior Questions Thread

    Alright thanks. Only downside is truck currently is off road so cant get it to interior guy easily may look at junkyard for depends how easy it is to put new skin on
  5. roost 'er

    Best place to get fender flares cheap?>

    Ontario Canada. Outside of Toronto lol, i too have heard that story as long as they cover everything flush im sure i could make them look respectable. Hmm, for that price i have seen some OEM stuff. May just jump on the OEM bandwagon then if its going to be the least amount of work.
  6. roost 'er

    The Stupid Interior Questions Thread

    Factory style skin i believe is what im looking for. Stock skin has a hole in it right at the drivers side and im gearing up to list the truck for sale so trying to fix odd and ends. As upholstery guy would it be cheaper to buy a replacement skin or get the top fabric fixed? Thanks
  7. roost 'er

    Best place to get fender flares cheap?>

    Looking for a set of flares for my OBS so i can fix a little rust then paint it and cover it to sell my truck. Not looking to spend alot just looking to cover my quick paint job instead of doing the entire side of the bed over. Anyone recommend any? Apparently some people have tried the...
  8. roost 'er

    The Stupid Interior Questions Thread

    Anyone know the best place to get a bench seat cover for a 1997 Sierra?