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  1. K

    We put apple carplay in our 99 Suburban with factory parts and no cutting!

    Way too expensive for a bracket, just sayin.
  2. K

    NBS cluster with LS swap?

    There are some yt videos that are more helpful than others. Really once you start stripping/labeling, and working through it, things become a little clearer. But yeah, I wouldn't bother with the nbs cluster, and trying to sort out that mess. The obs cluster works very simple, just use the obs...
  3. K

    1995 k3500 CC RV Puller

    Solid idea on the swapping the back half of the hydroboost. Am pretty good about mixing and matching GM parts, but that one escaped me. Kinda jealous. I just cut the rods, and welded two together at the right length.
  4. K

    Torsion bar swap and crank

    Thank you. Might have to grab a dampener, to see if it helps then. It had been crossing my mind just to go with the RC V2 dampener, since its set up to go on their kit, I don't like giving them any more money, but it is what it is. Really should have just listened to all the advice to SAS it...
  5. K

    Torsion bar swap and crank

    @offroadtahoe Do you know if there are any shorter upper arms? I set the toe when I did my lift, and it wasn't as much of an issue on my old crappy tires, but I need to get it by the alignment shop, it kind of wanders as 9812vDually mentioned with his. I don't have a dampener on, though dont...
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    Torsion bar swap and crank

    120 is a lot. On my beater Ford I have a tire that likes to go flat overnight, somedays I just give it all the air, so I'm not waking up to a flat the next morning. Never hit it with a gauge, but sometimes I can definitely tell from the roughness there is a fair bit in it. I just recently...
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    Fuel Quality!

    Keep up with that self serving attitude, you're part of whats wrong with this country. Notice all the "I's" in your original post, and that one. Your actions clearly speak that you also say to hell with everyone else. 170 is slow, and so are Harleys. And since you seem to be one of those types...
  8. K

    Fuel Quality!

    Since you want to go there. pretty sure I've been faster than you in a lot of things, especially two wheels. I'm sorry that everyone around you doesn't go through their day, without making mistakes, or with the same attitude. You're definitely right to vent those frustrations as you stomp the...
  9. K

    Fuel Quality!

    Finding good gas is nice. Taking the time to slow down, and have a little more patience and peace might be a little nice also. Just sayin.
  10. K

    spraying rear diff oil after new driveshaft

    I'm a little late to the party, but technically you can pull the carrier on a 10bolt pretty easy, its just shims that you keep track of where they came out of, since making no changes really. Preload could then be somewhat checked, but not sure I'd sweat it. You can can make it pretty tight, I...
  11. K

    JBA Stainless headers Rusting

    You guys must have a complete different appreciation for stainless than I do, possibly due to where you live, but its not complete dry desert here. I have mild steel headers over 20+ years old, that have been through multiple vehicles, some sat over soil for years, headers still solid, and in...
  12. K

    JBA Stainless headers Rusting

    Well, we're all sitting here babbling along. I checked the part #... 409 it is. My mufflers are 409, but also a complete 40 series knockoff, at only $45 a piece. So I didn't expect a lot. The heat, and conditions where you live must have got the better of them. That's terrible, those are not...
  13. K

    JBA Stainless headers Rusting

    The tag maybe, but those do not look stainless to me. Maybe someone put them in the wrong box. The main difference people run into on stainless corrosion is 300 vs 400 series. 300 containing more chromium. Recently finished my exhaust...
  14. K

    What can I use to wipe away (( Dried rattle can paint )) off rubber trim

    Wow, thats looking pretty good. I kind of spaced out that it was spray can, might all come off easier than I had imagined.
  15. K

    What can I use to wipe away (( Dried rattle can paint )) off rubber trim

    You don't grind away with the scotch brite, just lightly scuff the surface. Can use it with a bucket of water, with a little Dawn dish soap if you wanted. Scuff and clean. It'll hold onto the rubber as good as that paint seems to be doing. No, its not a full strip and recondition, but I know...
  16. K

    Mr. Jangles 99 K3500 CCLB

    I heard that too, but it was also from a company trying to sell me their junk, saying it was better, but it wasn't any different. The new car smell...its just plastics off gassing also. Have seen the pics of your project. The inside of my truck was about as bad as the one here in this thread...
  17. K

    Mr. Jangles 99 K3500 CCLB

    You're brave peeling that carpet up, I probably should have tried to save mine, but wasn't trying to fight the whole thing out, raining turds. Just cut it into sections, and into the trash it went. Also figured Id never get the smell all the way out. No help here on the padding, etc. I'm going...
  18. K

    Looking for Advice

    You mean like this.
  19. K

    Looking for Advice

    It is easy. Drill the ends, V the crack, lay in some beads, grind smooth, plate the inside. It'll be stronger than the rivets its all held together with.
  20. K

    Looking for Advice

    Stress crack, easy fix. Probably going to be more work just pulling the fuel tank. That strap looks kinda umm...I dunno.
  21. K

    Added outside Tailgate Led Lights

    Checked mine, works as it should.
  22. K

    Added outside Tailgate Led Lights

    Didnt see this till now. I have the exact same light, need to check mine and make sure its working right, lol. Pretty sure it does. I cut the plug off, and connected it to the trailer harness. I dunno if that's whats catching you up, but the plug doesn't even match the wiring diagram, ground and...
  23. K

    Changing tires fast ‘ Going opposite ways ..Need opinions on what will ride smoother and be good for a 5k suv ”

    Your third picture looks close to some Cooper AT3's I had. They were quiet on the highway, good mileage out of them, and still got me lots of places without any roads. Did a lot of traveling across the states on them, I was happy.
  24. K

    Led reverse flood light “Bumper Install” 28$ Bargain

    Looks good, I need to do something close to the same. Its all "I cant see ****** **** out of this thing." (Django Unchained reference) When trying to back up the dually. Aint no light out here in the country.