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    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks.
      I'll be tacking my door bushings first. Since it's summer and the rig has broken A/C, the actuators aren't as concerning at this time...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to DerekTheGreat's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      Hmm. Well, if Jerry would like to tackle that project I'd be interested in the end result. I've got a bunch of those head units on my...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to AK49BWL's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      Very interesting. OnDemand5 is a little less clear on this point (8v vs 5v). But changing the actuators to the 92-94 versions absolutely...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Cunningham Machine.
      Good Morning Jeremy, I've been scanning the Cunningham page for the bushing/pin kits, and the HD roller. Just wondering if all of the...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to Cunningham Machine's post in the thread Cunningham Machine with Like Like.
      Good Evening fellow truck buddies, I am Jeremy Rogers from Cunningham Machine. I am sure a lot of you have heard of us or use our...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks.
      Nice schematic. Thanks. Well shoot.....guess I need a good '90 control unit. I'll keep a lookout at the yard.....evilbay's...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to packer0440's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      I had this problem recently on a 1990, where setting it to come out of dash vents vents would make it come out the floor vents, and...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to DerekTheGreat's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Wow Wow.
      The manual I've got for '88 shows the actuators running on 8V. The later trucks ('92+) ran on 5V, IIRC: So I don't think changing...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks.
      Tempted to try the actuators first....they're significantly cheaper than a used (and potentially bad) panel from the Fleabay.
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to AK49BWL's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      I thought maybe there was something to that different voltage thing, but at the very least according to the wiring diagrams, they get 5v...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks.
      Different voltages to stepper that why the doors are not landing in the correct position? Will putting actuator...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to DerekTheGreat's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      You can swap a later head unit into an older truck. It might work for a little while, but there's a difference between the voltages...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to AK49BWL's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      Ah yes... The 90 head actually receives a feedback potentiometer signal from the actuator - 93-94 doesn't. This doesn't affect operation...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 replied to the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks.
      Well that sucks, because another member here mentioned the 93-94 head was a bolt in deal. Also, the recirc, or MAX button, actually...
    • Jerrys1990
      Jerrys1990 reacted to AK49BWL's post in the thread Newer HVAC panel blinks with Like Like.
      Because the older version controllers and newer versions are not compatible, the wiring of the system is slightly different. Older...
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