Could be, but let's make sure of everything else first. Your distributor seems to be back in correctly, based on your comments. It may be time to go backward now. Go back and check every single sensor connection to every single sensor and solenoid (MAP, EGR, TPS, ICM, IAC, etc.) and confirm they are all attached properly. Check EVERY one of them, even the O2 sensor and the cam/crank position sensor.
Check every single one of your vacuum lines and make sure there are no vacuum leaks ANYWHERE and that they are all hooked up to the right places. Recheck the tightness and torque specs of your TBI to the intake manifold.
Make a list of every sensor that has to do with ignition timing. Make a list of every sensor that is connected to your TBI and emissions system. Then one by one, check off that they are connected properly.
If your EGR is not operating properly, you should get a Service Engine Soon (SES) light. You can pull it to check its functioning and cleanliness, or you can do a basic function check while it is still installed, but unless you find something wrong with it, don't just go and replace it yet.
Just curious. How many miles are on your truck? I don't think I've seen that anywhere yet.