OK where to begin. I have a 1995 Chevy Silverado C 1500. Started getting bad gas mileage and I noticed I didn’t have much power so I decided I was gonna advance the timing and change my spark plugs and wires. I had one of my friends change my spark plugs, but forgot to plug in the coolant temperature sensor.. I’ll get back to this. When I was at work, I started to take it off my distributor cap, but I was kind of in a rush, so I hurried up and slam it back down because I couldn’t find the socket that was needed. Well, as I’m going across Texas bridge into Louisiana my truck starts acting like it’s running out of gas and my needle was pretty low but managed to get about a mile down the road parking lot cut off my truck. After that every time I crank it it would idle I press the gas. It would rev high and low and then shut off it did this three times I got out to see what was going on and I noticed the coolant temperature sensor plug was burnt. I went ahead and change the plug, and I noticed that my “air sensor” on my tbi Had some cracks in the plug also. My map sensor plug is also cracked. I haven’t changed those because of work. I bought a new fuel pump and I finally got it to prime but no gas gets to my injectors. I even pull the lines off the plug itself and it would prime but still no fuel came out and it just cranks with no start.. change all the plugs tomorrow, but I’m still stumped how it’s priming but it’s not getting down those lines. Please help I’m stumped.