I'm Awesome
I live on a highway and it goes slightly uphill getting to our house. About every other month a vehicle starts up the hill while low on fuel (usually a Ford), starts sputtering and my driveway is a wide spot so they block my driveway. I used to keep gas cans along the side of my garage (couldn't be seen from the street) but I got tired of dirtbags stealing my gas. I noticed that I'd usually find my gas cans laying in the ditch so I'd decided that I'd had enough. I take an old gas can and leave it outside but it is full of water and about a cup of gas so it still smells like gas.Sugar in the gas tank is a waste of time; Myth Busters did an episode with that, and it did not affect the engine.
Also, messing with someone's vehicle is a good way to get your ass beat.
They usually get their vehicle to fire and pull out of my driveway. I'm the last wide spot going up the hill so there isn't a safe place to pull over without being in the ditch. Oh well, you steal, you deserve what you get.
I know a guy that dumped several GALLONS of karo syrup into a tour bus. I'm curious about if anything happened. I found out about 1/2 an hour after it left.Sugar doesn't dissolve in gasoline. A few gallons of water on the other hand...
I used to manage a fleet of Ford E350s. They had round dash vents that would turn completely around. I emptied my hole punch into the vents, aimed them towards the driver and cranked the AC on high.Back before the world got all PC we would mess with each other’s company trucks. Zip ties on the drive shaft, grease under the door handles, grease on windows, remove valve core from the stem, hot wire from blinker to the horn was a good one also. Lock there tool box with a lock that they didn’t have a key to was really fun.
Keep in mind that these were company vehicles, not personal vehicles.
Ive done this. I like using a SAE bolt under a metric bike.You use the old school first time Harley owners trick.
You give them a couple of days to strut around like a peacock and show off the new bike.
Get about half a cup of motor oil and a small little bolt.
Pour the oil under the bike and put that little bolt in the puddle.
Wait untill they get all geared up and ready to go before you rush out and tell them not to start the bike and then show them the oil puddle with the bolt.
They will be underneath that bike for hours trying to figure out where that bolt came from.
That is the oldest new bike owner trick ever
I did a chunk of firewood under a dirtbag lawyers car at a scouting event way back when. Several of the guys knew about it and when he went to leave we told him that nope, his tires weren't spinning. He didn't have it in gear. He got out and looked at his car and tried again. I offered to get it out and when he was getting out of his car one of the other guys slammed a thin chunk of firewood in front of the tire. I made a big deal to show him how the parking brake releases and explain how to put it in gear. Then I simply drove forward. He looked like a total doofus, which he was.For less harmful pranks, zip ties on the drive shaft (the big ones) harmonica or a whistle taped somewhere on the frame rail or some other good hiding spot, bumper sticker magnets that say funny stuff, wrap the car in plastic when it's parked, jack it up and put a block of wood under the axle so when he gets in to go it'll just spin the tires in the air.
I bought a bunch of used lead wheel weights from a tire shop on the late 90's. I used them for making fishing sinkers. I worked with a guy who bought a brand new set of wheels and tires for his truck and every couple of days I'd drop a wheel weight on the ground by a tire.My buddy just had some wheel weights removed from his car, and I added more shortly after that
I believe he went to a repair shop to have it fixed, only to have it worse than before! He's gonna go back to the shop, like: "I just had this fixed, and now it's broken again! Do it right!"
I helped a coworker with an engine swap about a year ago. He was happily driving his truck about a week when I called him over the radio and told him that there was a bunch of antifreeze under his truck. I'd laid a gallon jug of antifreeze underneath.
Similarly, I used to give a buddy in college a bad time about his "rice burner" Toyota. He put in a fuel pump and the next day I poured rice under his truck and told him that he had a fuel leak.
The sugar thing is a classic. I worked with a guy that was a real Richard Cranium.I poured a bit of oil through a cracked funnel (trash) and dumped some sugar through it onto the ground. The sugar stuck to the oil. I left the funnel and an almost empty bag of sugar on the ground right by his gas tank. I wouldn't do that these days. I was in my early 20s and life hadn't quite kicked me in the nuts yet.