I'd thought about 3d printing. I've even got an Ender3 not 6ft from where I'm typing this. But the PLA I print in is not real stable when it gets 120+ degrees in the cab on a nice sunny day. There's other plastics, but I'm not at that level... yet.
Lost PLA casting just popped into my head. Probably not a good idea, but cool to think about.
If nothing else, I may try to adhere it together with a nice thick layer of epoxy, possibly with some kind of fiber backing. Hopefully being attached and supported across a wide area will work better than superglue. If, maybe, sorta. If I try it, and it works, I'll let you all know.
Lost PLA casting just popped into my head. Probably not a good idea, but cool to think about.
If nothing else, I may try to adhere it together with a nice thick layer of epoxy, possibly with some kind of fiber backing. Hopefully being attached and supported across a wide area will work better than superglue. If, maybe, sorta. If I try it, and it works, I'll let you all know.