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    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Which interior the white truck? It was my wifes and she sold it several years ago. Had blue interior. Current truck is original except...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to Drunkcanuk's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      F Looking good Fiberglass is awesome to work with. You can do so much with it once you have it figured out. I used to work at a...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to Cadillacmak's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      I have done a lot of wood in vehicles, enjoy the build!
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Thanks. It was a little challenging for sure. I am having fun with it for sure. I love doing things myself instead of paying 2x 3x or...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Made a matching vent piece.
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    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      I like the idea too but i have to keep room for me and my two boys. Fishing trips are important. The wife's barely allowed to ride in it...
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    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to Trio's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      That's a good idea - would tie the two pieces together visually. Go all-in on the conversion look. And the wood work is top notch - I...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to Sean Buick 76's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      It gets a 100% endorsement from me! Awesome
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to Trio's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      You're right, not the best choice of words by me. Sorry about that. Keep up the creative work, you got skills.
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to fancyTBI's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      Looks great to me. Feel like this would be right at home in a conversion truck. I bet you’ve got the skills to make some nice wood grain...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Thanks man. I enjoy doing custom work. Only spent $15 total and its better than a broke or missing door. Still have 8ft of board for any...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Nah. No need. No food or drinks allowed in the truck. Helps keep it all in better shape. I was going to make them at first with large...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to GrimsterGMC's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      G'day mate, no matter what the style I really enjoy seeing someone thinking outside of the box. And the fact that you pulled it off is a...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 replied to the thread Wooden Glove.
      Thanks for nice work comment but no need for your ghetto comment if you don't possess the skills yourself bud. Not everyone can just...
    • Unactive1
      Unactive1 reacted to ccm1092's post in the thread Wooden Glove with Like Like.
      Looks great man!!
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