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    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Ik someone that can look at the engine to see how far gone she is and depending on that I might keep her
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Wdym? Siezed crank if that what you mean
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Thanks for your help tho Brodie
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      It’s over boys
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      The lines def do loop together in that one pic I sent. I do use a regular fulter Tho already
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Previous owner did have a oil cooler had problems with it, so he took it off So does that mean the hoses are just there no purpose for them?
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Thank you for all your help I will lyk and if the plugs are clean and can manually turn the crank would be ok to give another try to...
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      And is there anything else you need to know that I could tell you?
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Okay I’m going to just pull the spark plugs and check them and get it towed to a shop.
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      Neither that’s why I don’t know I gotta look at where they go to I’m not with the car rn
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      I’m going to pull some spark plugs and check for oil but if their clear should I try cranking it? Because I don’t want to damage it...
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      I don’t know where it goes to not my radiator nor I don’t think my intake but I’m not saying your wrong I will have to look when I have...
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      You think I should tow it to a shop? Or try and start it again I put oil in it after I connected the lines back on and I tried cranking...
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      • IMG_3972.jpeg
    • ObsBrian
      ObsBrian replied to the thread Engine oil.
      No that’s what im saying idk what that line is but it leaked all my oil
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