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      DNVR_OBS reacted to GoToGuy's post in the thread Bed swap with Like Like.
      The bonding wire from fuel cap filler flange adapter to bed. Adapter flange stays with tank. Remove three screws. Unplug tail lights...
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      DNVR_OBS replied to the thread Bed swap.
      Thank you brotha great advice
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      DNVR_OBS replied to the thread Bed swap.
      Thanks bro, good to know it’s that simple of a swap, mines beat up but found one from a 95 in great condition!
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      DNVR_OBS reacted to Drunkcanuk's post in the thread Bed swap with Like Like.
      Should be just a matter of 8 bolts under the bed, the ones in the filler neck, unscrew the tail lights and push the wiring down, and...
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      Hey guys so I’ve been following for a while now and have gotten lots of helpful info from posts before. I want to get some info on...
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